INF: Sizing Considerations for SQL Databases

ID Number: Q68231

1.10 1.11 4.20



Listed below is some information on sizing considerations for


1. Calculation for determining the number of 2K pages needed for a

table with no indexes or text/image columns:

The overhead per data row is roughly 7 bytes plus the number of

variable-length and/or nulls-allowed fields per row. The formula

is as follows

Row length = 7 bytes + (data length) + (#var or null fields)


data length = is the sum of the column lengths.

#var or null fields = 1 byte is counted for every data element

defined as varchar or able to accept

null values.

Consider the following table definition:

first_element char(2) null,

second_element varchar(10),

third_element char(3),

fourth_element varchar(20) null

row length = 7 + (35) + (3)

row length = 45

Note: When the datatype varchar is defined to accept NULLs, only

1 byte is counted for this condition.

Because rows must fit into 2K pages, where each page has 32 bytes

of overhead, The number of pages required to hold a table is

defined with the following formula:

pages = number of rows * (2016/(row length)

2. Considerations for tables with text/image columns:

When a table has a text/image column, 16 bytes are used for managing

the text/image column (4 bytes are used for a page pointer, 8 bytes

for a timestamp, and 4 bytes for other management functions). One

page (2K) is reserved for each text/image column in a row.

3. Considerations for page management:

There is a page-management page for every 255 user pages. Each page

is 2048 (2016 + 32 bytes for overhead); therefore, this amounts to

two page-management pages per megabyte with 4K of page-management

overhead per megabyte.

Another consideration for the page-management technique is that a

maximum 32 distinct objects can be allocated per page-management

page. Each index on a table counts as an additional object. For

example: if 8 tables, each with 3 indexes, were created, 1/2

megabyte would be reserved, even if no data were in the table:

(3 indexes + table) * 8 = 32 objects.

4. Considerations for indexes on tables:

Indexes also consume pages; the value being indexed is replicated

in each row. The formulas for calculating the page requirement is

the same as for data.

The overhead per clustered index row is roughly 8 bytes plus the

number of variable-length/nulls-allowed fields per row. The formula

is defined as:

row length = 8 + (data length) + (#var or null fields)

The overhead per non-clustered index row is roughly 12 bytes plus

the number of variable-length/nulls-allowed fields per row. The

formula is defined as:

row length = 12 + (data length) + (#var or null fields)

The number of pages in an index depends on how many index rows fit

in a page, and this is determined the same way as for data. The

formula is defined as:

pages = #rows * (2016/row length)

Please keep in mind that these formulas will give you a rough

estimate on space required for your database.

For more information on this topic, see Appendix A of the "Microsoft

SQL Server System Administration Guide" for version 4.2.