PRB: Using WHERE with OR or IN Can Slow Down Performance

ID Number: Q68470

1.10 1.11 4.20




It takes a long time to execute a query that uses a WHERE clause

with multiple IN or OR options. However, if the same query is

broken up into shorter separate queries, and the OR or IN options

are not used, the performance improves dramatically.


Before SQL Server executes a query, it first attempts to optimize

the query. In the optimization step, it looks at what, if any,

indexes exist on a table, and decides whether those indexes will be

useful in the execution of the query. In addition, it examines the

conditions in the WHERE clause to estimate how many rows will be

affected by the query.

It is sometimes beneficial to avoid using the OR and IN options in

a WHERE clause. In certain situations, the query may not be able to

be optimized as well as it could be when the OR or IN option is



In these instances, better performance can be obtained by breaking

the query into separate, smaller queries. This is not to say,

however, that the OR and IN options should never be used. There are

situations where using an OR or IN option will give better

performance than using separate queries.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20 Transact-SQL OR IN