PRB: Rows Affected by INSERTS/UPDATES Not Shown in SAF

ID Number: Q71164

1.10 1.11 4.20




After doing an INSERT or UPDATE statement through SAF, the number

of rows affected by the insert or update is not displayed. Running

the same INSERT or UPDATE statements through ISQL displays the

message "(xx rows affected)".


You can obtain the number of rows from SAF in either of two ways:

1. After performing an INSERT or UPDATE statement through SAF,

select the global variable @@rowcount to determine the number

of rows affected.

2. Create a stored procedure on SQL Server that performs the insert

or update and sends confirmation back to SAF as a result row

generated by a SELECT statement. For an example of a stored

procedure with this functionality, query on the following words:

SQL Server and DDE and confirmation

Note: In SQL Server version 4.2, SAF displays the number of rows

affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.