VB Common Dialog Custom Control: FilterIndex Can Be Negative

ID Number: Q80934




The FilterIndex property of the Common Dialog custom control

(COMMDLG.DLL) can be any long integer value, including negative

numbers and 0 (zero).

This information applies to Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Normally, the smallest value to which you would set the FilterIndex

property is 1, because the first filter is defined as 1. If you use a

number less than 1, such as 0 or any negative number (within the range

of a long integer), you will get the same result as if you set it

equal to 1.

Likewise, if you use a number greater that the total number of

filters, the FilterIndex property will function as if you set it to

the last of the filters.

For example, if you have three filters and you set FilterIndex to -2,

it will function as if you set FilterIndex to 1. If you set FilterIndex

to 23, it will function as if you set FilterIndex to 3.

Additional reference words: 1.00