3-D Group Push Button: AutoSize Takes Effect Only on PictureUp

ID Number: Q80938




The 3-D Group Push Button (THREED.VBX) custom control will not

automatically size itself to the bitmap assigned to the PictureDown

property. When the AutoSize property is set to "2 - Adjust Button Size

to Picture," the 3-D Group Push Button custom control will

automatically size itself to the bitmap assigned to the PictureUp

property. This behavior is by design.

This information applies to Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

The Visual Basic 3-D Group Push Button custom control can have a

bitmap assigned to the button when it is in the down position, and

another bitmap when the button is in the up position (the PictureUp

and PictureDown properties are set to different .BMP files at design

time). However, the 3-D Group Push Button control will not

automatically size itself to the size of the picture assigned to the

PictureDown property even if the AutoSize property is set to "2 -

Adjust Button Size to Picture."

When the AutoSize property is set to "2 - Adjust Button Size to

Picture," the 3-D Group Push Button custom control will automatically

size itself to the bitmap assigned to the PictureUp property. This

means that the button will size itself to the picture it is supposed

to display only when it is in the up position. If there is a bitmap

assigned to the PictureDown property and this picture is bigger than

the 3-D Group Push Button control, this picture will appear clipped

when the button is pressed.

The following steps demonstrate how the 3-D Group Push Button custom

control does not size itself to the bitmap assigned to the PictureDown

property even when the AutoSize property for the control is set to

"2 - Adjust Button Size to Picture."



1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. From the File menu, choose Add File. In the Files box, select the

THREED.VBX custom control file.

3. Click on the Toolbox to select the 3-D Group Push Button control.

4. Click and drag on the form to place a 3-D Group Push Button


5. Change the AutoSize property in the Properties Bar to

"2 - Adjust Button Size to Picture" (this is the default setting).

6. Change the PictureDown property in the Properties Bar by choosing a

bitmap file from the Properties list box. Note that "(none)" is

first displayed, because no picture is assigned by default. You can

click on the button with three dots on the right of the Properties

list box to choose a bitmap file.

7. From the Run menu, choose Start to run the application.

8. Click on the 3-D Group Push Button to push it into the down


The picture that is assigned to the PictureDown property is displayed.

If the picture happens to be larger than the 3-D Group Push Button

control, the picture will appear clipped. If the picture chosen was

smaller, the background of the 3-D Group Push Button control will

show. In either case, the 3-D Group Push Button control did not resize

itself to the picture once the button was pressed.

If you assign a picture to the PictureUp property of the 3-D Group

Push Button control, the button will automatically size itself to this

picture. Nonetheless, the 3-D Group Push Button control will not size

itself to the picture assigned to the PictureDown property once the

button is pressed.

Additional reference words: 1.00