INF: Implicit Rollbacks of Transactions in SQL Server

ID Number: Q69131

1.10 1.11 4.20



Rollbacks will be done implicitly by the data server when a

transaction aborts. The errors that could cause a transaction to

abort can be broadly divided into the following three categories:

Resource Errors


- Running out of system resources

General Errors


- Running out of space in the log

- Deadlock conditions

- Protection exceptions; that is, not having the right permissions on

an object

- Inability to run a stored procedure

- Unable to read/write a stored procedure or trigger from

sysprocedures or the cache

- Exceeding the maximum nesting levels (32) of stored procedure


- Errors detected by the checkpoint process

- Some overflow errors

- Errors encountered by the checkpoint process

Utility Errors


- Any errors encountered by the following commands:

alter database

alter table

bulk copy

create database

create index

create table

dbrepair index

disk init

disk refit

drop object

drop index

drop database

create object (view, table, trigger, procedure, rule)

update statistics

truncate table

create unique index

Additional reference words: Server Transaction processing