INF: QS0434: Optimization Techniques for SQL Server 1.10

ID Number: Q69329




Microsoft Product Support Services Application Note (Text File)

QS0434: Optimization Techniques


Revision Date: 8/91

No Disk Included

The following information applies to Microsoft SQL Server version 1.1.



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This application note describes optimization techniques and

configuration options for SQL Server version 1.1.



The following are suggestions for changes to the system environment to

optimize SQL Server:

1. Turn off the PM spooler for OS/2 releases before 2.0. Use the

Control Panel to do this.

2. Turn off the DOS session by editing the CONFIG.SYS file as follows:

a. Set PROTECT ONLY = Yes.

b. REMark out the EGA.SYS and ANSI.SYS entries (if present).

This will save 640K of memory and prevent possible problems when

executing real-mode applications.

3. Turn off the LAN Manager disk cache.

If you are running a dedicated SQL Server, performance can be

improved by turning off the LAN Manager disk cache capabilities,

thus giving more memory to SQL Server. SQL Sever handles its own

disk cache.

To turn off the disk cache, edit the CONFIG.SYS file as follows:

REM diskcache

4. Move the swap file (SWAPPER.DAT) to its own partition, which has a

large amount of disk space and little activity.

By default, the environment variable SWAPPATH = path size is

located in the OS/2 directory.



The following describes different methods within SQL Server to

optimize performance:

1. Configuration options

a. Memory

A rule of thumb to follow for allocating memory is:

Server Type Amount of RAM

----------- --------------

Dedicated server 80 percent of RAM

Nondedicated server 50-60 percent of RAM

Memory is allocated to SQL Server in 2K units. (Note: SAF

specifies memory in kilobytes.) The following is a formula that

illustrates how much memory should be allocated for a dedicated

SQL Server with 8 MB of RAM:

(8192K * .8)/2 = 3276 2K pages, which leaves about 1.5 MB to

be used by OS/2 and LAN Manager

Note: Memory allocated to SQL Server should never exceed 90

percent of available system memory because this will cause

swapping and will defeat "in memory" access.

b. User connections

The number of user connections must be high enough to cover all

connections to SQL Server. Each user connection requires about

42K. Static memory is allocated for user connections at run

time, and the remaining memory is divided between the procedure

and the data cache.



1) One connection per dbopen() in a DB-LIBRARY program. Most

applications require between one and three connections: one

connection per utility program run simultaneously (ISQL, BCP,


2) One connection for the Console program, plus a new connection

for reading/writing when the program is started.

The following formula can be used when calculating memory

requirements for user connections:

1 Connection for Console Program

+ # Max Number of Simultaneous Logins

# Max Number of Connections

The following illustrates how to calculate the memory required

for 40 simultaneous logins:

(((Number of Simultaneous Logins * Average Number of

Connections Per Application)

+ Connection Required for Console Utility)

* Memory Required Per Connection)

Total Amount of Memory Required

for 40 Simultaneous Logins


(((40 * 4) + 1) * 42K) = 6762K

Note: The average number of user connections required per

application is calculated by adding up all dbopen()s in the

applications and dividing the sum by the total number of

applications. For example:

3 dbopen()s for Application 1

3 dbopen()s for Application 2

+ 6 dbopen()s for Application 3

12 Total of All dbopen()s

/ 3 Total Number of Applications

4 Average Number of Connections Required Per Application

c. Procedure cache

The memory allocated to the procedure cache is what is left over

after static memory (user connections) requirements have been

allocated by SQL Server at run time. The leftover memory is

actually split between the procedure cache and the data cache.

However, the percentage allocated to procedure the cache is

configurable. The default value is 20 percent and can be changed

using the sp_configure system command.

The procedure cache holds internal structures for rules, stored

procedures, and triggers; that is, anything that is compiled.

The larger the procedure cache is, the less chance you will have

to recompile any triggers, rules, and so on.

The procedure cache typically must be higher during development

because of the high level of compilation that occurs.

d. Data cache

The size of the data cache affects checkpoint time. The larger

the data cache, the more time needed to align completed

transactions to disk.

e. Recovery interval

The recovery controls the frequency of a checkpoint. A

checkpoint aligns all completed transactions to a disk and

writes out the last page of the log. The guidelines to follow

when setting this option are:

- A low number results in faster retrieval and slower updates

because of the increased number of checkpoints and the

associated overhead of I/O.

- A high number results in slower retrieval but faster updates

because of the decrease in the number of checkpoints.

f. Time slice

The SQL Server kernel is not preemptive. The kernel does not

control time spent on a process; the process controls the time

spent in the CPU and "schedules itself out." However, if the

process does give itself up (that is, exceeds the time limit set

in the time slice configuration), the kernel will terminate the

process because it assumes that the program is in a hard loop.

If the time slice is set too low, the system may slow down due

to overhead caused by the system "thrashing"; that is, the

programs are frequently scheduling themselves in and out of the


If the time slice is set too high, it may cause long response

time when one process fails to schedule itself out of the CPU

for a long time.

2. Indexes

a. Clustered versus nonclustered indexes

The key question is: what is more important, retrieval or update


With a clustered index, the tuples are sequenced in addition to

the index data being sequenced. With a nonclustered index, only

the data of the index is clustered, or sequenced.

Thus, a clustered index provides faster retrieval.

Less space is used because one level of the index tree is

omitted. However, updates are slower because of the overhead

associated with the sequencing of the tuples.

b. Number of indexes on a table

Indexes must be updated when their tables are updated. If there

are a lot of indexes for a table, updates, inserts, and deletes

may be slow.

c. Fill factor

A fill factor can be used to specify the percentage that an

index data page should be filled to allow for future expansion.

Percentage Explanation

---------- -----------

100% Indexes are completely filled. This is optimal for

quick retrieval purposes but is not optimal for

updates because of page overflows (page splits).

50-60% This is preferred for tables that are updated

because of a lower occurrence of page splits

and/or shrinks, but it makes for slower retrieval



The UPDATE STATISTICS command should be run on a table after a

significant number of updates have occurred to provide the query

optimizer with current statistics from which to create optimal

query plans.

Statistics are automatically updated if data is present in the

table at the time of the index creation. However, if data is not

present in the table, the UPDATE STATISTICS command must be


3. Queries

a. SET commands

These commands can be used to monitor the execution of queries

for optimization.

For more information on what these commands are and how they can

be used, see page 195 in the Microsoft SQL Server Language

Reference version 1.1.

b. Stored procedures

Stored procedures are faster than ad-hoc queries because their

execution plans are stored in the procedure cache, thus

requiring less I/O. However, stored procedures can be slower

when a search value cannot be determined until run time; that

is, a parameter is being passed to the stored procedure.

Using control of flow language in a stored procedure cuts down

on network traffic because it gives control to the CPU.