Mixed-Model Dynamic Memory Allocation in Microsoft C

ID Number: Q31811

4.x 5.x



During program start-up in the Microsoft C Compiler, any memory

beyond the 64K limit of the default data segment is released to

MS-DOS. (The amount returned can be increased by using the

/CPARMAXALLOC switch to the LINK, or the EXEMOD utility.) This

procedure allows C programs to exec child programs.

More Information:

The first call to the near-heap allocation routine, _nmalloc,

creates the near heap, which can use the remaining free space in the

default data segment. The first call to the far-heap allocation

routine, _fmalloc, creates the first far-heap segment by requesting a

block of memory from DOS rounded up to the nearest 8K (power of 2

equal to or greater than the global variable _amblksiz).

Subsequent _fmalloc calls will expand the last far-heap segment up

to 64K before allocating another far-heap segment. When all far memory

has been used, _fmalloc will try to allocate the memory from the near
