PRB: Segment Was Discardable Under 3.0 Notification

ID Number: Q81546





The debugging version of Microsoft Microsoft Windows version 3.1

writes the following notification to the debugging terminal:

Segment was discardable under 3.0


One or more code segments of a dynamic-link library (DLL) are

marked MOVEABLE and are not marked DISCARDABLE.


Modify the module definition (.DEF) file for the DLL to mark all

MOVEABLE code segments as DISCARDABLE.

More Information:

Under Windows version 3.0, MOVEABLE code segments in a DLL are

DISCARDABLE by default. This behavior changes under Windows 3.1;

segments must be marked DISCARDABLE to be discarded. The debug

notification highlights the change in behavior between the two

versions of Windows.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10