INF: Creating a 4 Byte User-Defined DATE Data Type

ID Number: Q71441

1.10 1.11 4.20



Using the SQL Server DATETIME data type is one way to represent a date

in SQL Server. There are times, however, when it is necessary to store

the date without the time. In this case, it may be more efficient to

use an integer data type instead of the DATETIME data type, because

four of the eight bytes of storage used by DATETIME would be unused.

(Note: Version 4.2 does offer a 4 byte SMALLDATETIME; however, the

range of dates that can be represented is smaller and this option may

still be desired.)

The following example shows how to create a user-defined DATE datatype

as a 4 byte integer. The example consists of three steps: creating the

user-defined data type, creating a rule to validate the year, and

creating a trigger to validate the date. Note that there are two

different versions of the trigger.

More Information:

The date is stored in a YYYYMMDD format directly into an integer. To

insert the date in different formats, create either a stored procedure

to convert the format to the storage format or convert the format to

the storage format within the C application. Note that the rule

validates the year and the integer is long enough to represent the

needed YYYYMMDD format.

The first trigger checks to see if the date inserted/updated is valid

by trying to convert the integer representation of the date to a

datetime datatype. If the conversion fails, everything is rolled

back, and the user is prompted with the following message:

The conversion from CHAR to DATETIME resulted in a DATETIME value

out of range

(MSG 242, LEVEL 16, STATE 0)

The second trigger validates the month and date, and gives more

control over the error messages by using RAISEERROR or PRINT to send

messages to the error and message handlers, respectively. Note

that for further optimization, you can place much of this trigger

in a stored procedure, allowing table(s) with multiple instances of

DATE data types to make use of one block of code.


/* Creates a 4 byte integer under the datetype data type */

SP_ADDTYPE datetype, int, null


/* Rule checks to see if the date being inserted is between */

/* the dates Jan 1, 1880 and Dec 31, 2099. These dates can */

/* be tailored to your needs */

CREATE RULE datetype_rule

AS @day between 18800101 and 20991231


/* binds the rule to the datatype */

SP_BINDRULE datetype_rule, datetype


/* Below is the first version of the validation trigger */

/* This trigger checks to validate the date. */

CREATE TRIGGER date_trigger

ON date_table

FOR insert, update


SET arithignor on

declare @date datetime

/* Retrieve date from inserted table trying to convert it to */

/* a datetime data type. If the conversion fails, the insert */

/* or update will be rolled back. */

select @date=convert (datetime, convert (char(12), date_field_name))

from inserted

SET arithignor off


/* Below is the second version of the validation trigger. */

/* This trigger checks to validate both months and days, */

/* including the simple rule to validate for leap years. */

CREATE TRIGGER date_trigger

ON date_table

FOR insert, update


declare @day_part tinyint /* holds DD part of YYYYMMDD */

declare @mon_part tinyint /* holds MM part of YYYYMMDD */

declare @yr_part smallint /* holds YYYY part of YYYYMMDD */

declare @date int /* gets date field from inserted table */

/* Retrieve date from inserted table

select @date=date_field_name from inserted

/* As stated earlier, you can place this portion in a stored procedure */

/* so that table(s) can make use of multiple DATE fields */

/* Check allows for NULL dates */

if @date != NULL


/* retrieves month part out of YYYYMMDD format */

select @mon_part = ((@date%10000)/100)

/* validates month */

if @mon_part between 1 and 12


/* retrieves day part out of YYYYMMDD format */

select @day_part = (@date % 100)

/* Validates days of 1..31 for months of 31 days */

if @mon_part in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12)

and @day_part not between 1 and 31


print "invalid day in date, rolling back transaction"

rollback transaction


/* Validates days of 1..30 for months of 30 days */

else if @mon_part in (4,6,9,11) and @day_part not between 1 and 30


print "invalid day in date, rolling back transaction"

rollback transaction


/* This portion checks to see if the Feb. date satisfies */

/* the Leap Year Rule. A year is a leap year if the year is */

/* divisible by four. However, if the year ends in 00, then it */

/* it is only a leap year if the year ending in 00 is divisible */

/* by 400. */

else if @mon_part = 2 and @day_part not between 1 and 28


if @day_part = 29


select @yr_part = @date/10000

if @yr_part % 4 = 0 begin

if @yr_part % 100 = 0 and @yr_part % 400 != 0


print "invalid day, violates leap year rules, rolling back


rollback transaction



else begin

print "invalid day, violates leap year rules, rolling back


rollback transaction



else begin

print "invalid day in date, rolling back transaction"

rollback transaction



else begin

print "invalid day or month in date, rolling back transaction"

rollback transaction





print "invalid month in date, rolling back transaction"

rollback transaction


end /* if not NULL */

Additional reference words: Transact-SQL triggers