INF: SQL Backup Support Using Removable Storage Media

ID Number: Q70676

1.10 1.11 4.20



SQL Server version 4.2 allows for dynamic tape backup. This option has

been tested and is supported by SQL Server.

More Information:

The following information describes how to use high-capacity,

removable media storage systems with OS/2 drivers for a SQL Server

1.1x backup solution.

Please note that we have not tested any particular backup solution for

SQL Server versions 1.1x, so we cannot recommend specific hardware

companies. You should explore your needs with available hardware

vendors, and if necessary, bring in an evaluation unit to test with

SQL Server.

To use removable media storage systems that are smaller than the SQL

Server database, use the following technique, which calls for setting

up a floppy disk dump device on the removable media drive, using the

NOSKIP and MEDIA_CAPACITY options. Set the media capacity parameter to

the device size in megabytes (MB), and use the "noskip" option. The

controller number must be 3 or 4 (you will have to drop one of the

default floppy disk dump devices to free up a controller number,

because there can be only 2 floppy disk dump devices). This method is

documented on page 65 and 66 of the "Microsoft SQL Server System

Administrator's Guide" for versions 1.1x.

When a backup occurs, SQL Server writes a multiple-volume disk set,

treating the removable media cartridge as if it is a very large floppy

disk. (This multivolume technique is the same one used with most tape

devices, many of which are 40 to 60 MB in size.)

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20 dumping and loading

dump/load to tape