INF: NNEXTREAD Error in SQL Server Error Log

ID Number: Q69488

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20



This article describes the following error message that may appear in

the SQL Server error log:

nnextread: count changed from XXX to YYY.

The error NNEXTREAD is an informational message from SQL Server. This

message occurs when the named-pipe packet that SQL Server received was

corrupt and the kernel corrected a pointer. XXX represents the length

of the packet received, and YYY represents the length SQL Server was

expecting. The normal packet for SQL Server is 512 bytes: 8 bytes of

header information and 504 bytes of data. SQL Server will try to

correct the bad packet by truncating the data packet to 504 bytes.

This message is the result of a spurious network problem and should

be of concern only if it happens frequently.

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20