PRB: D1001 "Could Not Execute C2.EXE" with MS-DOS 2.1 or Later

ID Number: Q32070

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00




With Microsoft C 5.1, the compiler can generate the error:

D1001: could not execute C2.EXE

With Microsoft C 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, and C/C++ version 7.0, if a

compiler component cannot be located in the PATH, the following

error message may be generated:

D4005: could not locate 'C2.EXE'

If the CL.EXE driver cannot execute a component of the compiler

because of memory constraints, the error D2027 may be generated:

D2027: could not execute 'C2.EXE'

Other compiler components include C1.EXE, C3.EXE, C1L.EXE, C2L.EXE

and C3L.EXE.


The following conditions may generate this error message:

- The .EXE file cannot be found. A terminate-and-stay-resident

(TSR) program could alter the setting of the PATH environment

variable, causing the .EXE to not be found.

- There is not enough memory available.

- The .EXE file is corrupt, or has an illegal .EXE file format.

- DOS and COMMAND.COM are incompatible. If their version numbers

are different, the compiler might not be able to open the

intermediate file in the TMP directory.


Check each of the conditions above, correcting those that apply.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.0a 6.0ax 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00