INF: Reading List for Windows Developers

ID Number: Q81705




The listing below is intended to demonstrate the variety of books and

periodicals on the market today that discuss programming in the

Windows graphical environment. None of these publications is

recommended over any other, nor over any that are absent from the

list. Each of the publications has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Before making any purchase, examine the publication to see if it meets

your needs. All prices listed were copied from the cover.

You may distribute this list freely, provided that you do not make any

changes to it.

Please send any additions, updates, or corrections to the author at

one of the following e-mail addresses:

Matt Leber

CompuServe: 76150,2546


More Information:

Last update: 4 March 1992



Borland C++ Programming for Windows


Authors: Peter Norton and Paul Yao

Publisher: Bantam Computer Books

ISBN: 0-553-35143-5

Price: US$29.95

Subjects: Borland Application Framework for Windows (OWL -- Object

Windows Library). Assumes knowledge of C++ and teaches the

organization of the OWL libraries and making OWL work with


Developing Windows 3 Applications with Microsoft SDK


Author: Brent Rector

Publisher: SAMS

ISBN: 0-672-22802-5

Price: US$29.95

Subjects: Text Output, Graphical Output, Keyboard Input, Mouse

Input, Timer Input, Controls, Dialog Boxes, Menus and

Accelerators, Icons, String Resources, Printing, Memory

Management, Fonts, Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs), Custom

Controls, Multiple Document Interface (MDI), Dynamic Data

Exchange (DDE)

Microsoft Windows 3 Developer's Workshop


Author: Richard Wilton

Publisher: Microsoft Press

ISBN: 1-55615-244-2

Price: US$24.95

Subjects: Windows Design, Debugging, Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs),

Custom Controls, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), Subclassing

Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Guide to Programming


Author: Microsoft

Publisher: Microsoft Press

ISBN: 1-55615-308-2

Price: Included with the Microsoft Windows Software Development

Kit or available separately for US$29.95

Subjects: Overview of the Windows Environment, Output to a Window,

Keyboard Input, Mouse Input, Timer Input, Controls, Dialog

Boxes, Menus and Accelerators, Icons, String Resources,

Mouse Cursor, Printing, File Input and Output, Bitmaps,

Clipboard, Color Palettes, Memory Management, Fonts,

Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs), Custom Controls, Multiple

Document Interface (MDI), Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) with

Program Manager

Peter Norton's Windows 3.0 Power Programming Techniques


Authors: Peter Norton and Paul Yao

Publisher: Bantam Computer Books

ISBN: 0-553-34940-6

Price: US$26.95

Subjects: Text Output, Messaging, Graphical Output, Keyboard Input,

Mouse Input, Controls, Dialog Boxes, Menus and

Accelerators, Icons, String Resources, Printing, Memory

Management, Far Heap Management, Dynamic Link Libraries


Programming Windows 3.0


Author: Charles Petzold

Publisher: Microsoft Press

ISBN: 1-55615-264-7

Price: US$29.95

Subjects: Text Output, Graphical Output, Keyboard Input, Mouse

Input, Timer Input, Controls, Dialog Boxes, Menus and

Accelerators, Icons, Bitmaps, String Resources, Printing,

Window Subclassing, Memory Management, Fonts, Dynamic Link

Libraries (DLLs), Multiple Document Interface (MDI),

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

Windows 3: A Developer's Guide


Author: Jeffrey M. Richter

Publisher: M&T Books

ISBN: 1-55851-164-4

Price: US$39.95

Subjects: Anatomy of a Window, Subclassing and Superclassing,

Controls, Dialog Boxes, Printing, Custom Controls,

Multiple Document Interface (MDI), Dynamic Data Exchange

(DDE) with Program Manager, Tasks, Message Queues, Message


Windows 3.0 Programming Primer


Author: Alan Southerton

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

ISBN: 0-201-55078-4

Price: US$34.95

Subjects: Windows, Menus, Dialog Boxes, GDI Graphics, GDI Text,

General GDI

Windows System Programming


Authors: Peter Wilken and Dirk Honekamp

Publisher: Abacus

ISBN: 1-55755-116-2

Price: US$39.95

Subjects: Windows Applications Basics, Text Output, Dialog Boxes,

Displaying Graphics, Colors and Bitmaps, Multiple Document

Interface (MDI), Clipboard, Timer, Dynamic Data Exchange

(DDE), Hooks, Printing, The Serial Interface, Dynamic Link

Libraries (DLLs), Windows Memory Management

Writing Windows Device Drivers


Author: Daniel A. Norton

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

ISBN: 0-201-57795-X

Price: US$29.92 (C$38.95 in Canada)

Subjects: Windows Operating Modes, GDI-The Graphics Display

Interface, Printer and Plotter Drivers, Display Drivers,

System Drivers, Virtual Device Drivers, Virtual Driver

Services, System Virtual Drivers, Nonstandard Device

Drivers, Driver Installation



Microsoft Systems Journal


ISSN: 0889-9932

Address: Circulation Department

P.O. Box 1903

Marion, OH 44305


Windows/DOS Developer's Journal



Address: 1601 West 23rd Street, Suite 200

Post Office Box 3127

Lawrence, KS 66046-0127


Fax: 913-841-2624

Windows Tech Journal



Address: Post Office Box 70167

Eugene, OR 97401-0110


Fax: 503-746-0071

Additional reference words: 3.00