INF: Creating Applications that Task Manager Does Not Tile

ID Number: Q81708




A variety of applications that provide various types of information

have been developed for the Windows graphical environment. Depending

on the amount of information that the application presents, an

application icon may provide enough screen space to show the

information. The FREEMEM program in Chapter 5 of Charles Petzold's

book "Programming Windows 3" (Microsoft Press) demonstrates presenting

status data on an icon.

When an application has more data than can be readily represented on

an icon, the user will often size the application to provide just the

information necessary, and place the application's window in a

convenient place on the screen. However, in this situation, if the

user selects Cascade or Tile from the Task Manager window to arrange

the active applications, the status window will probably change size

and position on the screen.

This article presents a technique that an application can use to

prevent itself from being cascaded or tiled by the Task Manager.

More Information:

To prevent an application from changing position when the Task Manager

rearranges windows, perform the following four steps:

1. Create a minimum window procedure, called DummyWndProc, with the

following code:

long FAR PASCAL DummyWndProc(HWND hwnd, WORD message,

WORD wParam, LONG lParam)


return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);


2. Register a minimum window class, DummyClass, that uses DummyWndProc

as the class procedure. Specify the application's icon as the class


3. Create an invisible pop-up window of class DummyClass. Specify the

application's name for the window caption text. Optionally, the

coordinates for this invisible window can specify a location off

the screen.

4. In the CreateWindow call for the top-level visible window, specify

the window from step 3 as the hwndParent parameter.

There is one caveat to using this method. If an application uses

PostMessage with the hwnd parameter set to -1 to post a message to all

applications, the invisible pop-up window will receive the message. If

the application depends on any globally posted message, it is

necessary to modify the DummyWndProc code above.