INF: Combo Box w/Edit Control & Owner-Draw Style Incompatible

ID Number: Q82078

3.00 3.10



The owner-draw combo box styles (CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED and

CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE) are incompatible with the combo box styles that

contain an edit control (combo box styles CBS_SIMPLE and

CBS_DROPDOWN). A combo box with either the CBS_SIMPLE or CBS_DROPDOWN

style displays the currently selected item in its associated edit

control. When an owner-draw style is specified for the combo box style

CBS_SIMPLE or CBS_DROPDOWN, the current selection may not be

displayed. Using the SetWindowText function to display the current

selection in response to a CBN_SELCHANGE message may not be effective.

More Information:

An owner-draw combo box can contain bitmaps or other graphic elements

in its list box. Therefore, to correctly display the current

selection, it is necessary to display a bitmap or other graphic

element in the edit control. Because edit controls are not designed to

display graphics, there is no natural method to display the current

selection in an owner-draw combo box with an edit control.

The combo box style CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, which has a static text area

instead of an edit control, can display any item, including graphics.

Use this style combo box with the owner-draw styles.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 3.x SR# G920226-89