PRWIN9012021: Format Bleeding in Windows Help Files

ID Number: Q67839



buglist3.00 fixlist3.10




When a help file is viewed in Windows Help version 3.0, text

formatting is inconsistent with the source text as viewed in the

word processor. Specifically, the area of text with a given format

"bleeds" or extends beyond the boundary set in the word processor.


If the format of the text in a glossary pop-up box or of a context

jump differs from the text that immediately follows the hidden-text

context string, the Windows Help compiler ignores the change in

text formatting.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Help Compiler

version 3.0 which is distributed with the Windows Software

Development Kit version 3.0. To work around this problem, format a

white-space character (a space, a tab, or a carriage return) that

follows the context string to have the same format as the text

before the context string.

This problem was corrected in version 3.10.445 of the Windows Help

Compiler distributed with the Windows Software Development Kit

version 3.1.

Additional reference words: 3.00