INF: Windows 3.1 Standard Mode and the VCPI

ID Number: Q82298




Windows 3.1 standard mode is compatible with expanded memory managers

such as EMM386, 386MAX, and QEMM386. However, there are several

problems with the Virtual Control Program Interface (VCPI) used by

these products to provide access to extended memory in standard mode.

Under most circumstances, users of machines with 386 or higher

processors and with more than 2 megabytes (MB) of memory installed

should use enhanced mode rather than standard mode.

More Information:

Windows 3.1 can run in standard mode when an expanded memory manager

(EMM) is active. An EMM uses the paging mechanism of the 386 or higher

processor to map extended memory blocks, as EMS pages, into the first

megabyte of address space where no real memory is present. To do so,

the EMM puts the processor into protected mode, and keeps the emulated

upper memory block (UMB) and EMS page frames always available for

processes designed for real mode (such as MS-DOS), installed device

drivers, and terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs. When one of

these processes is running, the processor is in virtual-8086 (v86)

mode, with paging on and the address mapping specified by the EMM.

In this configuration, the EMM services request to enter and leave

protected mode using the VCPI. The EMM may also allocate extended

memory. The standard mode MS-DOS Extender, DOSX, uses VCPI to switch

to protected mode and to v86 mode. Therefore, in standard mode, the

EMM remains active and continues to run "underneath" Windows. In

enhanced mode, the EMM is deactivated for the duration of the Windows


Several questions have arisen regarding "VCPI support" under

standard-mode Windows. If no EMM is installed, more extended memory

and more total memory is available to Windows. An EMM uses a

considerable amount of extended memory to store itself and its tables.

The system incurs additional overhead because paging must be active at

all times. Unless an EMM is absolutely necessary, possibly because an

MS-DOS application will not run without EMS, Windows will probably run

better without an EMM. Windows enhanced mode runs on a machine with 2

MB of RAM memory installed if no EMM is present.

Windows standard mode does not support an MS-DOS application that is a

DPMI (MS-DOS Protected Mode Interface) client. However, if the EMM

also provides DPMI services, DOSX will not interfere with these


The standard-mode task switcher attempts to arbitrate extended memory

use between Windows and MS-DOS applications. It performs this

arbitration by hooking the XMS function dispatcher. This does not work

properly if an EMM is installed, primarily because the extended memory

portion of the address space in standard mode is not accessible to the

MS-DOS portion of the switcher. For this reason, when an EMM is

present in standard mode, users will experience the following types of


- Performance degradation when the system switches between tasks

because the task switcher cannot use XMS memory for swap space.

- Applications, such as AutoCad and Lotus 1-2-3, that include an

MS-DOS extender will not run.

Because the standard-mode task switcher can't access Windows's

extended memory, it can't use extended memory for swap space when an

EMM is present. Users may experience some performance degradation

switching between MS-DOS applications in this configuration. Enhanced

mode is recommended to run many MS-DOS applications under Windows.

Windows standard mode does not specifically prevent VCPI applications

from running. However, because the task switcher cannot effectively

use extended memory provided by an EMM, an MS-DOS application that

uses extended memory probably will fail to run in the standard-mode

MS-DOS box. This applies equally to applications that use XMS, VCPI,

and DPMI. While it may be possible to run an MS-DOS application that

uses extended memory in an MS-DOS box under standard-mode Windows,

there is no general solution to the problems involved.

The VCPI specification is maintained by Phar Lap Software, Inc., and

Quarterdeck Office Systems. Windows 3.1 standard mode complies with

version 1.10 of the VCPI specification. Because many commercial EMM

products can be configured to not provide EMS, DOSX will attempt to

use VCPI if the following are true:

- The INT 67h vector is not null

- A device named "EMMXXXX0" is present

- The VCPI detection call (INT 67h, AX=DE00h) succeeds

In particular, DOSX does not require the presence of a LIM 4.0

(Lotus/Intel/Microsoft expanded memory specification) driver or a LIM

3.2 page frame.

Additional reference words: 3.10