INF: Changing the Controls in a Common Dialog Box

ID Number: Q82299




One reason to incorporate the Common Dialogs dynamic-link library

(DLL) into an application is the ability to use the basic

functionality of one or more of the common dialogs and tailor it to

the needs of a particular application.

All of the predefined controls must be present for the Common Dialogs

DLL to properly interact with a dialog box. Each predefined control in

the dialog box must retain its control ID value. For these reasons, an

application cannot delete unnecessary controls from a dialog box.

To prevent the user from interacting with a given control, move the

control off screen by specifying very large coordinate values [for

example, (4000, 4000)]. The application must also disable the control

to prevent it from receiving the focus when the user uses the TAB key

to cycle through the controls. Failing to disable the control can

create "mystery" tab stops where the input focus disappears.

Additional reference words: 3.10 COMMDLG template custom