INF: Windows Enhanced Mode Allocation Limit 16 MB Minus 64K

ID Number: Q67999

3.00 3.00a




In the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Guide to

Programming," page 16-13 incorrectly states:

The largest object that can be allocated in 386 enhanced mode is

64 megabytes.

This is an error in the documentation. The actual limit for a single

object is 16,711,680 bytes [16 megabytes (MB) minus 64 kilobytes (K)].

More Information:

Huge memory blocks are limited to (16 MB - 64K) in 386 enhanced mode

because of the way global arena headers are implemented.

GlobalAlloc() may incorrectly return a non-NULL handle when allocating

objects larger than (16 MB - 64K). However, any attempt to access

portions of the object beyond the limit will result in a general

protection violation (reported in Windows as an Unrecoverable

Application Error).

Note that GlobalSize() will return the true size of the memory

allocated to the handle. For example, an application might request an

allocation of 20 MB, but GlobalSize() will report how much memory was

actually allocated, a figure less than or equal to (16 MB - 64K).