PRB: Device and TrueType Fonts Rotate Inconsistently

ID Number: Q82932





When an application uses a mapping mode other than MM_TEXT and a

text alignment other than the default (TA_LEFT, TA_TOP), device

fonts and TrueType fonts may rotate in the opposite directions.

Device fonts may exhibit other unusual behaviors. When text is

rotated, the differences may show on the screen or on printout from

a printer.


To create a font that rotates based on the coordinate system in

which the font is used, the application must set the CLIP_LH_ANGLES

bit in the lfClipPrecision field of the LOGFONT data structure.

This technique is backward-compatible with Windows 3.0 because the

CLIP_LH_ANGLES bit is ignored in version 3.0.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 3.x