VB Can TAB in Error if Value of Option Button Is Set to False

ID Number: Q85990




Setting the Value of an option button to False (0) also sets its

TabStop property to False. If you set the Value property of an option

button to False without setting the Value property of another option

button to True (-1), Visual Basic will TAB over the other option

buttons because all the TabStops are set to False. This is an invalid

state for a group of option buttons; one of the option buttons should

always be selected (that is, its Value property is set to True, which

sets also the TabStop property to True).

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

By default, the TabStop property of option buttons is set to True.

Once an option button is selected at run time, the Value property for

the other option buttons not selected is set to False, which also sets

the TabStop property to False. If you just change the Value property

of one option button to False, and do not set the Value property of

another option button to True, none of the other option buttons will

have their TabStop properties set to True, and these option buttons

will be skipped while TABbing through your controls. To avoid this

problem, always have one of the option buttons selected.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. Place a command button (Command1), two option buttons (Option1 and

Option2) and another command button (Command2) on Form1.

3. Set the Value property of Option1 to True.

4. Add the following code to the Command1 Click procedure:

Sub Command1_Click ()

Const FALSE = 0

Option1.Value = FALSE

End Sub

5. Press F5 to run the program.

If you do not click on Command1, you can TAB through Option1. However,

you will TAB over both option buttons if you click on Command1.

Additional reference words: 1.00