INF: 16 Background Colors in Text Mode with MCGA, EGA, or VGA

ID Number: Q75274

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00



The attribute byte for video display in text mode is

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


| | | | |


where the bits control the following:

Bits Control

---- -------

0-2 Foreground color

3 Foreground intensity

4-6 Background color

7 Blinking for foreground

- or -

Intensity for background

A total of 16 foreground colors are possible with the combination of

bits 0-3. If bit 7 is on (default), these colors can be optionally

blinking, for a combination of 32 foreground colors.

Eight background colors are possible with the combination of bits 4-6.

With an MCGA, EGA, or VGA, bit 7 can be toggled to be interpreted as

background intensity rather than the default blinking color. Doing so

makes 16 background colors available in text mode.

More Information:

The BIOS call that toggles the interpretation of bit 7 is Interrupt

10h, function 10h, subfunction 03h. This call is available only with

an MCGA, EGA, or VGA. A zero (0) in BL enables intensity, a one (1) in

BL enables blinking text.

The following sample program illustrates the effect of this toggle.

First, bit 7 is left as the blink bit; therefore, there are eight

background colors and 32 foreground colors. Each of the 32 foreground

colors is displayed once and each background color is repeated four


Next, bit 7 is toggled to intensity; therefore, there are 16

background colors and no blinking text. Still, you have to go through

foreground colors 0-31 to view all 16 background colors. This is

because bit 7 is still controlled in the setting of the foreground

color; however, it is now interpreted to affect the display of the

background color rather than the foreground color. Viewing the output

of the sample program should clarify this concept.

Sample Code


/* Compile options needed: none


#include <graph.h>

#include <dos.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#define TRUE 1

#define FALSE 0

#define VIDEO_IO 0x10

#define BIOS_CALL 0x10

#define INTENSITY_TGL 0x03

void toggle_intensity( int );

void main( )


long i;

int row;

int color;

char buf[80];

_settextrows( 43 );

_clearscreen( _GCLEARSCREEN );

toggle_intensity( 1 );

/* Bit 7 = blink; there are 8 background colors and blinking text */

for ( i=0, row=1, color=31; i <= 31; i++, row++, color-- )


_setbkcolor( i );

_settextcolor( color );

_settextposition( row, 10 );

sprintf( buf, " Background %2ld Foreground %2d\n", i,color );

_outtext( buf );


_setbkcolor( _BLACK );

_settextcolor( 7 );

_outtext( "\n\nSetting 8 background colors, blinking text." );

_outtext( "\n\nStrike any key to continue..." );

getch( );

_clearscreen( _GCLEARSCREEN );

toggle_intensity( 0 );

/* Bit 7 = intensity; there are 16 background colors */

for( i=0, row=1, color=31; i <= 31; i++, row++, color-- )


_setbkcolor( i );

_settextcolor( color );

_settextposition( row, 10 );

sprintf( buf, " Background %2ld Foreground %2d\n", i,color );

_outtext (buf);


_setbkcolor( _BLACK );

_settextcolor( 7 );

_outtext( "\n\nSetting 16 background colors, no blinking text." );

_outtext( "\n\nStrike any key to quit..." );

getch( );

_setvideomode( _DEFAULTMODE );

_clearscreen( _GCLEARSCREEN );


void toggle_intensity( int onoff )


union REGS regs;

regs.h.ah = VIDEO_IO; = INTENSITY_TGL;

if ( !onoff ) = 0x0;

else = 0x1;

int86( BIOS_CALL, &regs, &regs );


Additional reference words: 1.00 1.01 2.00 2.01 2.50 2.51 5.10 6.00

6.00a 6.00ax 7.00