INF: Semicolons Cannot Separate Macros in .HPJ File

ID Number: Q83020




The author of a Help system can combine individual macro commands into

a macro string, which the Microsoft Help Compiler processes as a unit.

When the macro string is part of an RTF text file, the individual

macros in the string are separated from each other with a semicolon

character (;). The Help system runs the individual macros of a macro

string sequentially.

The author can define a macro string that is run when the user loads a

Help file. This macro string is placed into the [CONFIG] section of

the Help project (.HPJ) file. However, in the .HPJ file, the

individual macros of the string are separated from each other with a

colon character (:) because the semicolon character indicates the

beginning of a comment.

In the following sample [CONFIG] section, a macro adds two buttons to

the Help window's button bar. The first button is labeled "Other",

which when chosen brings up the About Help dialog box. The second

button is labeled "Test". When chosen, it disables the "Other" button

and jumps to the topic represented by "context_string." To create the

"Test" button, two macros are concatenated to form the macro parameter

in the CreateButton call.


; This first button is added so that the demonstration macro is

; complete. This macro just creates a button. Choosing the button

; brings up the About Help dialog box.


; This macro also creates a button. Choosing the button disables

; "other_button", created above, and jumps to the topic represented by

; "topic_string."


; Note that the two macros in the CreateButton macro are separated by

; a colon, not a semicolon.


; Note: The following macro should appear on a single line.



Additional reference words: 3.10