INF: Microsoft Applications That Support OLE

ID Number: Q83022




The following is a list of applications available from Microsoft that

support object linking and embedding (OLE) to some degree.

Description of the fields in the table below:

- Client Embedding: Application supports embedded objects

- Client Link: Application supports linked objects

- Server Embedding: Application can create an embedded object

- Server Link: Application can create a linked object

- DDE: Application uses dynamic-data exchange (DDE) to

implement the OLE protocol

Each application with an asterisk (*) preceding its name is a mini-

server that is bundled with other Microsoft applications, and cannot

be purchased by itself.

Client Client Server Server

Application Embedding Link Embedding Link DDE

----------- --------- ---- --------- ---- ---

Cardfile X X

*Draw 1.0 X

*Equation Editor X

Excel 4.0 X X X X X

*Graph 3.0 X X

*Note-It X

Paintbrush X X

PowerPoint 2.0 X X

Project 3.0 X X X X

Publisher 1.0 X X

Sound Recorder X X

Visual Basic


Toolkit X

Word for Windows

2.0 X X X X

Works for Windows

2.0 (spreadsheet) X X

Works for Windows

2.0 (word

processor) X X

*WordArt X

Write X X

Additional reference words: 3.10