INF: Creating a Nonscrollable Region in Windows Help 3.1

ID Number: Q76493




Version 3.1 of the Windows Help engine supports the ability to author

topics to contain a nonscrolling region of text immediately below the

button bar. Text and graphics remain in this fixed location even as

the user scrolls other text in the topic. This nonscrolling region

appears the same as other text, except a thin black line divides the

nonscrolling region from the rest of the text in the topic. This

region can contain any of the formats applicable to a help file (hot

spots, bitmaps, and so forth).

More Information:

To create a nonscrolling region, you must create the \pard\keepn

rich-text format (RTF) token. To accomplish this using Microsoft Word

for Windows version 2.0, perform the following four steps:

1. Select the text to place in the nonscrolling region.

2. From the Format menu, choose Paragraph.

3. In the Paragraph dialog box, select the Keep With Next check box

under Pagination.

4. Choose the OK button or press the ENTER key.

The background color attribute of the nonscrollable region can be

changed in the [WINDOWS] section of the help project (.HPJ) file. The

characteristics of any window in the help file may be specified in the

[WINDOWS] section. Use the following syntax to perform this step:

type-name="caption", (horizontal_position, vertical_position, width,

height), sizing, (client-RGB), (nonscrolling-RGB)

To change the color of the nonscrolling region, modify the final RGB

triple. For example, the following specification will change the

background color of the nonscrolling region to red:


Additional reference words: 3.10 3.1 non-scrolling non-scrollable