INF: Operating System Commands and Control of Flow in ISQL

ID Number: Q76784

1.11 | 1.11 4.20



ISQL can issue operating system commands by starting a line with two

exclamation points (!!) followed by the command. However, these

commands are unconditionally run when encountered by ISQL and they

cannot take part in the Transact-SQL control-of-flow language.

More Information:

For example, if a file called TEST.SQL is created with the following


if 1=2

!!dir c:\config.sys

select "One equals two"

then the operating system command specified on the second line will

always be run by ISQL, even though the command is apparently inside

an IF control-of-flow condition. Note that the SELECT statement is

part of the control of flow and will not be run in this case because

1=2 evaluates to FALSE. When running the following

ISQL /U<login> /P<password> /S<server> /itest.sql

the output that might be returned is:

1> 2>

The volume label in drive C is GIZMO.

The Volume Serial Number is 16AA:6729

Directory of C:\

CONFIG SYS 2054 9-10-91 11:52a

1 File(s) 28319744 bytes free

2> 3>

Additional reference words: 1.11 4.20 1.1