Certain Key Sequences Cause R6003 or SYS1943 in PWB 1.00

ID Number: Q61660

1.00 | 1.00


buglist1.00 fixlist1.10


In the Programmer's Workbench (PWB) version 1.00, it has been observed

that certain unusual editing sequences can cause the following errors:


Run-time error R6003 - integer divide by 0

In OS/2:

SYS1943 protection violation, trap number 13

More Information:

The following sequences reproduce the errors:

Procedure Keystrokes

--------- ----------

1. Bring up several files. ALT+F O x3

Select the Options menu. ALT+O

Select Linker options. L

Select Set Debug Options. ALT+G

Pull up help on the options. F1

Arg-refresh through several files. ALT+A SHIFT+F7 x3

Escape back to the Editor screen. ESC x3

2. Select the Options menu. ALT+O

Select Editor Settings. S (or K)

Go down thirteen lines. DOWN ARROW key x13

Backspace. BACKSPACE


Note: Step 2 reproduces only the R6003 error in DOS, not the SYS1943


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in PWB version 1.00. This

problem was corrected in PWB version 1.10.