Assembly Listing Doesn't Match Generated Code in C

ID Number: Q40783

5.10 | 5.10



Microsoft has received several reports that the listings generated by

the /Fc, /Fl, and /Fa options do not match the actual code in the

.OBJ or .EXE file, as viewed by CodeView.

In these cases, we have found that the file has been compiled using

different options when creating the listing than when producing the

CodeView file. In particular, adding the /Zi option causes some

changes in the generated code. As we document, /Zi turns off

optimizations that move code.

If the listing was generated without /Zi, but the .EXE being viewed in

CodeView was compiled with /Zi, there often are differences between

the CodeView listing and the printed listing.

Be sure to use EXACTLY the same options when comparing listing files

with the actual code.