PRSQL9110006: Error 911 in Log If "Truncate Log on Chkpt" S

ID Number: Q77108





Problem ID: PRSQL9110006


The following error is encountered in the error log

Error 911: Attempt to locate entry in Sysdatabases for database

"BAD DATABASE NAME" by name failed - no entry found under that

name. Make sure that name is entered properly.

where "BAD DATABASE NAME" is typically empty or contains extended


This error generally has little impact on the database server. In

most cases it just logs meaningless 911 error messages to the error

log. However, on a few occasions a protection violation occurs.


This error is seen only during the checkpoint process if the

"truncate log on chkpt" database option is set, or if an explicit

"dump transaction xxx with truncate_only" is issued. However, the

error does not always occur if these options are set.

Please note that it is not advised that the "truncate log on chkpt"

option be set in production systems.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version

1.11. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.