Libraries Added by the Comment pragma Appear After Default

ID Number: Q41104

5.10 | 5.10




Page 12 of the "Microsoft C for MS OS/2 and MS-DOS Operating Systems:

Version 5.1 Update" manual states that when using the library option

of the comment pragma, the specified library name will be inserted

before the default library name in the object module. This is not the

case; the given library name appears after the default library name.

This agrees with the next statement in the documentation that states

that using this pragma is the same as giving the library to LINK on

the command line.

If the order of the default library and an added library is important,

compiling with the /Zl switch will prevent the default library name

from being placed in the object module. A second comment pragma then

can be used to insert the name of the default library after the added

library. The libraries listed with these pragmas will appear in the

object module in the same order they are found in the source code.