Browse Options Unavailable Under Strange Circumstances

ID Number: Q61306

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Under certain circumstances, the Browse options within the Programmer's

WorkBench (PWB) may be unavailable. You can take all the steps

outlined in the documentation required to generate a Browse Database,

but the Browse options may be still grayed out. Two possible solutions

are deleting the make file and letting the PWB regenerate it, or

deleting the CURRENT.STS file and resetting all the options for the


More Information:

The most likely cause is an invalid CURRENT.STS file. This file can be

found in the INIT directory or the current working directory.

CURRENT.STS is used to save the PWB settings from session to session.

If this file is in a form that is not acceptable to the PWB, strange

results may occur during use of the PWB.

One instance in which CURRENT.STS might become corrupt is in the case

of a system crash from within the PWB during a compile.

To determine if a corrupt CURRENT.STS is the cause of the problem,

take the following steps:

1. Invoke the PWB with the /DS switch to force it to ignore the


Note: This will reset all switches within the environment that

were previously recorded by CURRENT.STS.

2. Take the normal steps required for preparing a Browse database.

(Set a program list, mark Generate Browse Information under the

Browse options menu, and rebuild the project.)

Browse information should now be available. If disabling the

CURRENT.STS does remedy the situation, the only permanent solution is

to delete the CURRENT.STS file that is causing the problem.

Note: Since deleting the CURRENT.STS file will result in the loss of

all environment settings, it is advisable to note any important

settings you may have set up before deleting the file.