TOOLS.INI Tags for Video Not Recognized by PWB as Documented

ID Number: Q72527

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10




The "Microsoft C Advanced Programming Techniques" manual that ships

with Microsoft C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax incorrectly states on

page 159 that you can place a PWB tag in the TOOLS.INI file that will

be recognized only if you have a specific graphics adapter.

For example, the manual states that the tag [PWB-vga] will allow the

Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) to make the assignments following this

tag only if you run PWB on a machine with a VGA graphics adapter. This

is documented incorrectly. The ability to test graphics adapters was

not implemented with the Programmer's WorkBench versions 1.0 and 1.1.

More Information:

The following four tags are listed on page 159 but are not implemented

by PWB:





The tags above may be used but you must manually load the switches

under these tags. To assign the switches under a tagged section in the

TOOLS.INI file, perform the following key sequence:

Arg textarg Initialize

For example, to load the assignments that are listed under the tag

[PWB-vga], you would press ALT+A, type "vga" (without the quotation

marks) and then press SHIFT+F8. (Note: This assumes you are set up

with the default key assignments.)