INF: When Dirty Cache Pages Are Flushed to Disk

ID Number: Q78363

1.10 1.11 4.20



To improve performance, SQL Server maintains a cache of the previously

read and/or modified ("dirty") pages. Periodically, these pages are

physically written to the disk, ensuring that the changes to any rows

are reflected in user databases.

More Information:

SQL Server will flush pages from the cache to the disk under the

following conditions:

1. When a checkpoint is issued.

There are five conditions that can cause a checkpoint to be issued:

a. The database owner or the system administrator (SA) can issue a

CHECKPOINT command at any time.

b. When a DUMP DATABASE or DUMP TRANSACTION command is issued, the

first step of the DUMP process is to do a checkpoint in that


c. A checkpoint is issued in each database after the recovery

process has finished recovering that database. This feature can

be disabled by using the sp_dboption system procedure with the

"no chkpt on recovery" option set to true.

d. A checkpoint will automatically be issued by the checkpoint

checking process when it determines that enough transactions

have occurred since the last checkpoint. Although the checkpoint

checking process wakes up about once per minute to see how much

activity has taken place, the frequency with which it actually

does a checkpoint is determined by the number of transactions

and the value that has been set for the recovery interval. Note

that if the "trunc. log on chkpt." option has been set using

sp_dboption, a checkpoint will occur every time the checkpoint

checking process wakes up (about once per minute).

e. A checkpoint is issued when the SA issues the SHUTDOWN command.

2. When a new page needs to be brought into the cache.

When SQL Server determines that a page is needed that is not

currently in the cache, it looks for a free buffer in the cache

page chain. When it has finished going through the chain, the page

from the oldest buffer is flushed to disk.

3. At the end of a fast bulk copy or SELECT INTO.

When the fast BCP (non-logged version) is used, or when a table is

created using SELECT INTO, the newly-inserted rows are not logged.

Also, many or all of them may still be in the cache. To lessen the

chance of losing data in the event that SQL Server is stopped

without a checkpoint, all dirty pages are flushed to disk when the

BCP or SELECT INTO finishes.

4. Log pages are flushed when a transaction ends.

When a transaction ends, either with a COMMIT or ABORT, the log

pages are flushed to disk.

5. When a page is split, the newly allocated page is immediately

flushed to disk.

6. LOAD DATABASE writes all pages to disk.

When a database is being loaded with the LOAD DATABASE command, all

pages in the dump are written directly to disk. In addition, any

pages in the database that are not in the dump are also initialized

and flushed to disk. For example, if you are loading a dump from a

4 MB database into a 10 MB database, the remaining 6 MB of pages

will all be initialized and written to disk.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20 transaction checkpoint cache