PRB: Cause of Trap 0002 Errors

ID Number: Q78639

1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20




This information applies to versions 1.x and 4.2 of SQL Server.

A trap 2 error may occur periodically on SQL Server, halting all

processing and causing the machine to be rebooted.


Trap 2, also known as a nonmaskable interrupt, is a hardware


There is parity logic that monitors each memory reference on the

memory subsystem of all PCs. If a parity error is encountered, the

NMI (nonmaskable interrupt) pin of the Intel processor is asserted.

This immediately causes control to be transferred to a short

routine that prints out register information, and then halts the


There is an ISA bus signal called IOCHCK (I/O channel check) that

can be asserted by any adapter card. IOCHCK is intended for use by

adapter cards as a means of notifying the CPU that an

off-motherboard memory parity error has occurred. IOCHCK is gated

to NMI, and results in essentially the same outcome. The interrupt

service routine can query a register and determine whether the

parity error is from the motherboard or adapter card.

The IOCHCK signal is sometimes incorrectly used by certain video

cards to trigger a desired software routine. If the software

routine is not loaded correctly, the system will halt with a trap

2 error.

A variety of hardware configuration problems can also create a trap

2 condition, either by incorrectly asserting IOCHCK, or by fooling

the motherboard parity logic into thinking a true parity error

occurred. For example, if adapter cards containing RAM are

configured with conflicting memory footprints with respect to each

other or to the motherboard, a trap 2 parity error can result.

Running memory diagnostics for a period of time without failure

does not indicate a properly functioning system.

PC memory subsystem design virtually guarantees any OS/2 trap 2 is

a hardware problem. Resolution of this condition should center on

replacing the failing memory, or resolving a possible hardware

configuration problem.


Trap 2 is an OS/2 fatal error caused by a hardware problem. It is

not a SQL Server, OS/2, or application software error.

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10 1.11 4.20