PRB: C4049 and C4024 May Be Inconsistently Generated in C, QC

ID Number: Q42562

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 5.10 6.00 6.00a




Microsoft C version 5.1 and Quick C 2.0 produce warnings when a

function expecting a parameter of type int * receives a parameter

of type short *.

The warnings produced by both C 5.1 and QC 2.0 are:

warning C4049: 'argument' : indirection to different types

warning C4024: 'Func' : different types : parameter 2

There are no warnings produced by C version 6.0, 6.0a, or 6.0ax.

Under C/C++ 7.0, the following warning is generated:

C4057: 'argument': indirection to slightly different base types


These warnings are inconsistent because the compiler is not upset

about Func being passed a short as its first parameter, when it has

been prototyped as accepting an integer, but the same is not true

of pointers to those types.


These warnings are expected behavior for both C and QuickC.

More Information:

/* Compile options needed: /c


void ShortFunc( short, short * );

void Func( int, int * );

void main( )


short sTest;

short *sPoint;

ShortFunc( sTest, sPoint );

Func( sTest, sPoint );


The only restriction on the size of the short given by the ANSI

standard is that it not be longer than an integer. Code should be

written with this in mind so that it will be portable. In many

implementations, integers are not to be the same as shorts.

Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00