PRSQL9112003: sp_helpindex Truncates Index Key List

ID Number: Q78816





Problem ID: PRSQL9112003


When issuing sp_helptext on a table, the "index_keys" column of

output may truncate the column names in the list.


When sp_helptext is issued, it produces a report consisting of

three columns: index_name, index_description, and index_keys. The

index_keys column is defined to be a maximum of 70 characters long.

Therefore, only the first 70 characters of column names are

displayed in the index_keys column of output. If the sum of the

lengths of the column names (plus a comma and space between each)

in the index is greater than 70 characters, any characters after

the first 70 will not be displayed in the output.

Because the sp_help procedure uses the sp_helpindex procedure to

produce the index information for a table, the output from sp_help

is also truncated.


If this limitation affects output, the text of the sp_helpindex

procedure can be changed to make the index_keys column larger. To

do this, perform the following steps:

1. While in the master database, extract the text of the

sp_helpindex procedure using sp_helptext. For example:

sp_helptext sp_helpindex

2. Save the text to a file.

3. Drop the sp_helpindex procedure (DROP PROC sp_helpindex).

4. Edit the saved text file to delete all non-Transact-SQL wording

(such as "rows affected").

5. Locate the section of text shown below:

create table #spindtab


index_name varchar(30),

index_keys varchar(70),

index_description varchar(68)


6. Change the datatype for index_keys from "varchar(70)" to a

length sufficient for the index column name lengths [a maximum

of varchar(255)].

7. Run the procedure. This will re-create the sp_helpindex

procedure, using the new value for the length of the index_keys



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version

1.11. This problem does not occur in SQL Server version 4.2.

Additional reference words: sp_helpindex sp_help