INF: LAN Manager Caching and SQL Server

ID Number: Q78941

1.11 4.20



This article addresses some issues regarding software-based caching

with LAN Manager and SQL Server.

SQL Server requires maximum available memory for its cache buffer

system. For best results, a machine should be dedicated to SQL Server

use, and any OS/2 file system caching intended for use by LAN Manager

should be disabled. If this is not possible, make sure the machine has

16 MB of memory, and adjust the OS/2 cache size based on whether you

want to favor LAN Manager or SQL Server performance. Periodically

inspect the DISKCACHE or IFS lines in CONFIG.SYS to ensure the OS/2

cache size has not been altered by LAN Manager Setup. There is no need

to be concerned about OS/2 software write caching because SQL Server

writes though this cache.

More Information:

OS/2 LAN Manager is essentially an application running on OS/2. It

does not perform any caching of its own, but relies on the

capabilities of the underlying file system. There are basically three

file system environments on which an OS/2 application may find itself:

FAT, HPFS-16, and HPFS386. Both HPFS and FAT have their own unique and

separate caching subsystems.



On a FAT file system, caching is achieved by specifying the DISKCACHE=

parameter in CONFIG.SYS. There is no write caching with this program,

and therefore, none of the attendant data-integrity problems.

HPFS-16 and HPFS386


On an HPFS file system, caching is achieved by a combination of the

CACHE.EXE program and the IFS line in CONFIG.SYS. HPFS has several

sophisticated techniques designed to optimize the file I/O operations

often associated with an I/O intensive program. A LAN Manager file

server generally will benefit from HPFS; SQL Server generally will

not. HPFS-16 and HPFS386 use the same disk format; however, with

HPFS386, significant sections of file system code have been rewritten

for a 32-bit, ring 0 environment to achieve higher performance. This

performance is most useful for a file server, not a SQL Server. Write

caching, or lazy writing, is available with HPFS.

SQL Server


SQL Server has its own built-in caching subsystem that is entirely

separate from the FAT or HPFS file system caches. It is specially

designed to work efficiently with SQL Server. It caches both reads and

writes to the data device; however, for reasons of integrity, it does

not cache writes to the log device. It is commonly referred to as the

SQL Server buffer system. Buffers cannot be controlled as a separate

resource, but are allocated from memory remaining after other SQL

Server resources are serviced. On a 16 MB OS/2 machine with a minimal

number of user connections, it can be expected that about 7 MB will

be available for buffer space.

Possible Conflicts Between SQL Server and LAN Manager Caching


The first conflict that may arise is one of memory. Under OS/2

versions 1.x, the maximum physical memory available is 16 MB, which

must be shared between LAN Manager and SQL Server. The LAN Manager

Setup program will automatically alter CONFIG.SYS to allocate a

substantial amount of cache for LAN Manager use. If SQL Server is to

be run on the same machine, the DISKCACHE (FAT) or IFS (HPFS) line in

the CONFIG.SYS file should be adjusted downward to a compatible value.

The exact amount allocated to LAN Manager versus SQL Server will

depend on an individual estimation of the priority of LAN Manager

versus SQL Server performance. The more memory given to file system

caching, the less is available for SQL Server. For best SQL Server

performance, a dedicated machine should be used, with any OS/2 file

system cache disabled.

Even after the cache parameters in CONFIG.SYS are adjusted to an

acceptable value, this must be monitored periodically. If the LAN

Manager Setup program is ever run to change any file server

parameters, it will often alter the cache setting to a higher value.

The second apparent conflict that may arise is one of write caching.

This can only occur with HPFS. To provide best performance, HPFS can

optionally perform lazy writing, or write caching. For a large class

of programs, reads will typically outnumber writes by about 5 to 1.

For this reason, the bulk of performance improvement is usually seen

with a read cache, and a write cache provides only incremental

improvement beyond this. For a few programs, there may be a genuine

advantage to be gained from write caching.

For integrity reasons, SQL Server must be able to reliably flush

cached writes to disk. For this reason, SQL Server uses the

OPEN_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH parameter on DosOpen() to ensure that any

possible write caching is circumvented. HPFS provides a special second

entry point to honor this parameter. Because of this, it is not

essential to manually disable lazy writes in CONFIG.SYS, although in a

production environment it is generally viewed as a prudent practice.

Additional reference words: LAN Manager OS/2