PRSQL9112005:Incorrect Database Ownership After Dropping Login

ID Number: Q78942





Problem ID: PRSQL9112005


After dropping a database owner's login (using sp_droplogin),

adding a new login ID automatically makes the new login ID the

database owner of one or more databases.


SQL Server allows the system administrator (SA) to drop the login

ID for a database owner (DBO). However, that login ID number is

still reflected in the system tables as being the owner of the

database(s). When a new login ID is added (using sp_addlogin), SQL

Server assigns it the next unused login ID number, which is the ID

from the previously dropped DBO. Because the ownership of the

database(s) is still tied to the old login ID, the login ID that

was just added becomes the DBO for any databases that were owned by

the old login ID.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version

1.11. This problem does not occur in SQL Server version 4.2.