PRB: Changing Ownership of a Database

ID Number: Q78943

1.10 1.11 4.20




SP_CHANGEDBOWNER cannot be used to transfer ownership of a database

to a user who owns objects within the database.


The new owner of the database must have a login ID on SQL Server,

but must not have a user name or alias in the database.


To assign the ownership of the database to a person with a user name

or alias in that database, the person's user name and aliases must

be dropped before changing ownership. However, a user owning

objects within the database cannot be dropped from it and any

attempt to do so will result in the following error message,

followed by the name and type of the objects:

You cannot drop user because he or she owns objects in database

To work around this problem, give the user another login ID to SQL

Server and assign the ownership of the database to the new login ID


An alternative is to BCP out the data from the tables owned by the

user, drop the tables, drop the user/aliases, transfer the

ownership of the database to the user, and then have the user

re-create the tables as a database owner (DBO) and BCP in the data.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.1 1.11 4.2 4.20 sp_changedbowner()