How to Insert Spaces Before a Block of Text in PWB

ID Number: Q66231

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It is sometimes desirable to indent or move over a block of text in

the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) or the Microsoft (M) Editor. The

following steps can be used to insert spaces before a block of text to

indent it:

1. Get into boxarg mode. You can select this mode from the Edit menu

under the PWB, or select the boxstream function under the M Editor.

2. Highlight the area you want to contain the spaces. This may be

anywhere in the file.

3. Select the linsert function. By default, this is CTRL+N.

The highlighted area should now be moved over and replaced by spaces.

More Information:

You don't have to be in boxarg mode for this to work; linsert always

treats its argument as a boxarg regardless of the current mode.

However, the highlight on the screen won't match the area that is

going to be inserted unless you use boxarg mode.

Also, ldelete can be used to unindent a block of text. However, you

must be in boxarg or streamarg mode for it to work correctly. In

linearg mode, it will delete entire lines.