MASM Build Switches for PWB 1.10

ID Number: Q66339

1.10 | 1.10



When setting a program list containing .ASM files in Programmer's

WorkBench (PWB) version 1.10, the following error message occurs:

Program List: file 'filename' will be ignored

File type unused by current build options

The .ASM files are not recognized because PWB 1.10 does not contain

build switches specific to any language. Build switches are now loaded

from language extension files (.MXT for DOS and .PXT for OS/2). If you

have an assembly language extension file, you will not see this error

message. Language extensions are not necessary and are only a

convenience for controlling the build process; only the build switches

are really needed.

The sample build switches below can be added to a tagged section in

your TOOLS.INI file. To use these build options, initialize the tagged

section by typing {arg} tag_name {reinitialize}, which is equivalent

to the following keystrokes for the sample build switches below:

ALT+A asm_rules SHIFT+F8

Note that if you are doing mixed-language programming, you should

first set your main language and initial build options from the Build

Options dialog box under the Options menu and then initialize the

tagged section.

The MASM build switches can also be added to a custom set of build

options saved by Save Current Build Options. They may then be

initialized by choosing Build Options from the Options menu, and then

selecting Set Initial Build Options to choose the new custom language


Sample Build Switches




; MASM build rules


build:macro ASM "MASM"

build:macro AFLAGS_G "/Mx /T"

build:macro AFLAGS_D "/Zi"

build:macro AFLAGS_R ""

build:inference .asm.obj as_asm_obj

build:release command as_asm_obj \

"$(ASM) $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_R) $<, $@;"

build:debug command as_asm_obj \

"$(ASM) $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_D) $<, $@;"

build:include .asm "^[ \t]*include[ \t]+\\([^ \t]+\\)"

build:include .inc "^[ \t]*include[ \t]+\\([^ \t]+\\)"

These assembly flags can then be modified from PWB by using the

following macros. The macros must be assigned to keystrokes to be

activated. This can be done using the <ASSIGN> pseudo file. They can

then be used to redefine the flags to pass to MASM.


; MASM option-setting macros


setAFG:= arg "Global MASM Options?" prompt -> cancel lasttext home \

"build:macro AFLAGS_G \"" endline "\"" assign

setAFD:= arg "Debug MASM Options?" prompt -> cancel lasttext home \

"build:macro AFLAGS_D \"" endline "\"" assign

setAFR:= arg "Release MASM Options?" prompt -> cancel lasttext home \

"build:macro AFLAGS_R \"" endline "\"" assign