PRSQL9112011: Modifying a Table Without Permissions

ID Number: Q79853





Problem ID: PRSQL9112011


The database owner (DBO) creates a view "V" on a table "T". V is a

subset of the rows of T. The DBO then gives permission to a user

(for example, "Joe") to select from V. Joe also has permission to

create views; however, he does not have ANY permissions on T. Joe

now creates a view W, which is "select * from V". Using W, Joe can

insert, delete, and update table T.


To avoid problems such as the one described above, the DBO should

not freely give object-creation permissions to users of a database.

Although this is not a workaround in the normal sense of the term,

it may serve as a useful policy.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version

1.11. This problem does not occur in SQL Server version 4.2.