PRSQL9112013: Ownership Chains Improperly Implemented

ID Number: Q79858



buglist1.11 fixlist1.11k3


Problem ID: PRSQL9112013


The behavior of ownership chains as described on page 124 in the

"Microsoft SQL Server System Administrator's Guide" for version

1.11 differs from their actual behavior. According to the

administrator's guide, permissions on nested stored procedures are

checked only when the owner of the calling stored procedure is

different from the owner of the called stored procedure. However,

in practice, permissions on both the stored procedures are


For example, suppose a user, Joe, creates a procedure (P1), which

calls another procedure (P2), also created by Joe. Joe then grants

execute permissions on P1 to Sue. Because P1 and P2 have the same

owner, Sue must be able to execute P1 (and through it, P2).

However, when Sue tries to execute P1, SQL Server states that Sue

does not have permissions to execute P2.


Under these circumstances, SQL Server does not properly enforce the

rules about ownership chains.


To work around this problem, grant execute permissions on both P1

and P2 to Sue. This will ensure that Sue will be able to execute

P1 (and through it, P2), with or without ownership chains.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version

1.11. This problem was corrected in the version 1.11 K3 patch to

SQL Server version 1.11. This patch can be obtained from Microsoft

Product Support Services. For more information, contact your

primary support provider.

Additional reference words: 1.11k3