Activating Herc Card on Dual-Monitor System in C 5.10/QC 1.01

ID Number: Q42925



buglist5.10 fixlist6.00


Part 3 of the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler version 5.10 README.DOC

states the following:

If you have both a Hercules monochrome card and a color video card,

you should invoke MSHERC.COM with the /H (/HALF) option. The /H

option causes the driver to use one instead of two graphics pages.

This prevents the two video cards from attempting to use the same

memory. You do not have to use the /H option if you have only a

Hercules card.

However, the /H option fails to work correctly on a system with two

video cards when one of the cards is a compatible Hercules card. This

is not a problem with MSHERC.COM. The source of the problem lies in

the graphics library provided with C version 5.10 and QuickC version


You also must use the DOS MODE command to activate the monochrome card

prior to sending output to the Hercules display adapter.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in C version 5.10 and

QuickC version 1.01 (buglist1.01). This problem was corrected in C

version 6.00 and QuickC version 2.00 (fixlist2.00).