INF: Limit of 40 Files with LLIBCMT.LIB and LLIBCDLL.LIB

ID Number: Q42929

5.10 6.00 6.00a



Start-up source code is provided for the real- and protected-mode

standard C run-time libraries. This code can be modified to allow more

file handles and stream pointers to be opened by a process.

This start-up code is not designed for LLIBCMT.LIB or CRTLIB.DLL.

These are the protected-mode libraries for multithreaded applications

and DLLs. The file and stream limits on both of these libraries are

set to 40.

Handles 0, 1, and 2 are opened by C for stdin, stdout, and stderr,

while handles 3, 7, and 8 are opened by different OS/2 subsystems.

With these file handles taken, 34 files can be opened at once.

More Information:

This restriction has been removed from the C 6.0 version of these

libraries. The C 6.0 README.DOC file details how to increase the file

handles for multithreaded applications and DLLs.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 5.10