PRSQL9112009: Error 511 After ALTER TABLE

ID Number: Q79956





Problem ID: PRSQL9112009


When a row is inserted into a table, SQL Server reports error 511,

"Updated or inserted row is bigger than maximum size allowed for

this table."


A column was added to the table with the ALTER TABLE statement, and

SQL Server was then immediately shut down with the SHUTDOWN

statement. If you check the value of the maxlen column in

sysindexes before the server is shut down, the value appears to be

updated. However, after SQL Server is started again, you can see

that maxlen retains its old value.

When the insert is attempted, the row length is longer than the

value in maxlen and the error is returned.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version

1.11. This problem does not occur in SQL Server version 4.2.

Customers encountering this situation should contact Microsoft

Product Support Services.