INF: Reading Extended Keyboard Characters with C

ID Number: Q43007

5.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00



In Microsoft C versions 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, and C/C++ version

7.0, the _bios_keybrd() function uses INT function 16H to access the

keyboard services. The C 5.1 _bios_keybrd function() is based on the

original PC BIOS INT 16H, which does not support the extended

keyboard. The BIOS for AT's and PS/2's has been updated to support the

extended keyboard. The updated BIOS has three addition services: 10H

reads a character from the extended keyboard, 11H gets the

extended-keyboard status, 12H gets the extended-keyboard flags.

To allow the C 5.1 _bios_keybrd() to use these updated keyboard

services, define the following manifest constants.

#define _NKEYBRD_READ 0x10 /* read extended chars */

#define _NKEYBRD_READY 0x11 /* check if key waiting */

#define _NKEYBRD_SHIFT_STATUS 0x12 /* check shift key status */

To read keys from the extended keyboard, use these new constants in

place of the manifest constants described on page 138 of the

"Microsoft C for the MS-DOS Operating System: Run-Time Library

Reference" for version 5.1.

These constants are already defined in C versions 6.0 and later.

More Information:

The following program uses the enhanced services of INT function 16H

to determine if the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys on the extended

keyboard were pressed. Uncomment the #define for C 5.1 and earlier.

Sample Code:


/* Compile options needed: none


/* #define _NKEYBRD_READ 0x10 */

#include <bios.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void main()


unsigned key;

key = _bios_keybrd( _NKEYBRD_READ );

if ( key == 0x48e0 )

printf( "Up arrow was pressed.\n" );

else if ( key == 0x50e0 )

printf( "Down arrow was pressed.\n" );


printf( "Neither the up or the down arrow was pressed.\n" );


Additional reference words: 5.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 S_QUICKC