PWB 1.10 Help Crashes on "Moving Through a File" Help Screen

ID Number: Q67361

1.10 | 1.10




When using Help through the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) version 1.10,

the Help system will crash if you do the following:

1. After entering Help, choose Contents.

2. Select the Microsoft Advisor from the list of contents.

3. Choose "Programmer's WorkBench" from the Edit/Debug section of the

main Help Contents screen.

4. Choose "Moving Through a File" from the "Using Programmer's

WorkBench" section of the PWB Contents screen.

At this point, a header will appear on the screen and the elevator for

the window will appear as though it is at the bottom of a page.

The page can be scrolled up and the contents viewed, especially if

highlighted, but the menu items at the top will be blacked out

(although they are present). From this point, no further help can be


If you exit Help and then reenter, nothing will come up and further

attempts to access the items on the Help menu will fail.

Re-initializing does not reinstate the Help system. The only way to

re-enable the Help system is to exit PWB and then restart it or to

shell out of PWB and then return.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in PWB version 1.10. We

are researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.