PWB May Hang with Novell Netware

ID Number: Q67483

1.00 1.10



On certain installations of a Novell network, the network may cause

the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) to hang. This problem may also occur

in CodeView or QuickC. The hang usually occurs when an attempt is made

to use the mouse.

If you have a peripheral (such as a mouse) that uses Interrupt Request

Level (IRQ) 3, and your system is part of a network using Novell

NetWare version 2.15 or earlier, your system may hang when you load

QuickC, PWB, or CodeView. As a temporary solution, set your peripheral

to use another interrupt. For more information, contact your Novell

NetWare dealer.

If taking these steps does not solve the problem, please contact

Microsoft Product Support Services.